She Believed She Could So She Did. There are many times you may be the only one that believes in you but I honestly do believe that if you CAN imagine yourself doing something then you probably can do it and will….eventually. It may take a lot of hard work and practice but succeeding with […]
Category Archives: Unmistakable YOU
She Trusted in Her Wings to Fly. Have you ever heard of the saying TRUST your gut. Well its never let me down. Sometimes we just have to trust our own instincts and trust ourselves. Really we are the only ones that knows what is the best for us – okay okay okay – maybe […]
So Who is She? It has been absolutely mind blowing seeing how many have joined our group of ladies making themselves a focus for the ALL ABOUT ME album project. To think it started off as a little project to entertain us over the first Covid lockdown to turn into a whole project that will […]
What does it mean to be YOU? Like many of us, I don’t have it all together and at times although as crazy busy as I am, still have felt alone, and wondering who I am and what purpose am I here for. Regardless of what many people think – I don’t have it all […]
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