She Believed She Could So She Did.
There are many times you may be the only one that believes in you but I honestly do believe that if you CAN imagine yourself doing something then you probably can do it and will….eventually.
It may take a lot of hard work and practice but succeeding with whatever you have dreamed of doesn’t just happen by chance. Somewhere along the way you have to believe in your ability to achieve whatever that goal is. Whether it’s to diet and lose a little weight, cook some awesome Masterchef recipe, run a marathon, get a new job or even start a new business you need to start with a little faith and believe you can.
Believe in Yourself
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” — Henry Ford
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”. — Theodore Roosevelt
I love the above quotes because more than half the battle in anything challenging, lies with yourself. Self belief takes you half way to succeeding. If you don’t believe in yourself, and in your abilities, the first person who criticises you may cause you to give up on those dreams, you may lose interest and settle for something less than what you were aiming for. These are the times you need to somehow muster up the courage and strength to keep believing in yourself.
Many of us suffer from low self esteem or a lack of confidence so with this page prompt it is to remind you that believing in yourself is powerful
Like the layouts above, either find a nice photo of yourself and use this quote as a positive reminder or like Jacquie and Debra have (thanks so much girls) – use a photo of yourself doing something you did that you never thought you would or proud of achieving. So when looking back it will remind you of a time that you were unsure of how things might turn out but you had a go and turned your CAN’T into CAN.
To purchase this individual piece of chipboard or any of the SHE collection chipboard pieces head to my website HERE
Please remember to upload them into our private UNMISTAKABLE CREATIONS Facebook group and the specific album for this prompt.
And trust me when I say to you – if you change your mindset and believe you can do something – you will!
Love Love Love!!