She Trusted in Her Wings to Fly.

Have you ever heard of the saying TRUST your gut. Well its never let me down.
Sometimes we just have to trust our own instincts and trust ourselves. Really we are the only ones that knows what is the best for us – okay okay okay – maybe someone above might have a little bit too say about that as to be honest I do think his plans and my plans differ at times. However we do need to trust ourselves.
But I do believe that we live in the land of the WHAT IF’s too much. All those thoughts that go through our heads when we want to try something new or different. What if I can’t do it?, what if I fail, what if I fall? I read something today that I would like to share;
Put your Trust in Your Wings
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but in her wings. Always believe in yourself”. — unknown
Isn’t it time we trusted how we have been brought up, what we believe and all that we have gone through and learnt over the years. We are stronger because of those experiences and they make up who we are today.
Sometimes it might feel like we are flapping our wings like crazy because we can’t always rely on those branches to protect us. There are times in our life that those branches will break and all of a sudden you up in the air and i’ts at that time you might need to call on others to help you spread those wings – whether it be your family, friends or your faith – when the time is right you will be able to open those wings and start flying.
You can purchase the individual piece of chipboard or the mini page kit HERE

For this layout or journal page you have a couple of options. You could just put a current photo of yourself on it and use this quote to remind you to TRUST yourself; or, you may have a photo of yourself during a time where you did take a leap of faith – I look forward to seeing your finished pages. Either way its going to be in your album and a lovely page to look back on when you need to be reminded.
Please remember to upload them into our private UNMISTAKABLE CREATIONS Facebook group and the album for this prompt.
As a famous quote goes “What if I fall? Oh but my darling – what if you FLY?