Who is SHE?

So Who is She?

It has been absolutely mind blowing seeing how many have joined our group of ladies making themselves a focus for the ALL ABOUT ME album project. To think it started off as a little project to entertain us over the first Covid lockdown to turn into a whole project that will hopefully soon be published into a book. To document who you are, where you’re from , your loves, dreams etc and to consciously make yourself a focus isn’t always easy but as we said at the start of this project – no one can really tell your story as good as you can – and this way you can create an album and share the story you want told.

Unmistakable YOU Page Prompts available online.

With Unmistakable YOU (Part 1) – each prompt as illustrated above was to give others a glimpse of who you are.

However, in reality that is nowhere near the end of it – it is really just where it all begins. Even though many of you who have taken part (or on your way to having an album on yourself completed), I still have found, when talking to some of you, still don’t quite believe just how special you really are. 18 months later – Lockdown number 5 – Part 2 has come about.

So let me introduce and welcome you to SHE IS..

Who is SHE?
She is YOU!

With SHE is… every page in this series will be a page prompt (title) aimed at reminding YOU that you’re not here by chance. You are one very special person and created FOR A PURPOSE. Like many of us we may not have a clue of our purpose on this earth – some of you might – but over the coarse of this project we will be celebrating YOU with a series of affirmation quotes that you can use as page titles on layouts/journal and include favourite photos of yourself. Hopefully as we progress you will be reminded or discover just how truly amazing you are. Then if you are having a bad day or week, going through a challenging situation etc you can pick up this album project, either do another page or go back through what you have done and it hopefully will be of some encouragement to you, a reminder to go easy on ourselves and keep going.

Now some of you will say “I don’t have many photos of myself”. Well that is OK as you can take and use any current photo and use it as an album of affirmations that you can look back on. For those looking back through old photographs to coordinate with a certain quote, it may again remind us of a certain circumstances or something you did that you haven’t thought of for while and hopefully bring a smile to your face when you do.

It’s not until we look back at some of the things we have gone through and then where we are today that we see how strong we actually really were to get through those times. I often look at people who have a disability or have children with special needs and some of them just shine hope and strength, patience (something I’m so not) and think WOW they are amazing – I don’t think I could do that – but then maybe I have gone through something different that others couldn’t. Even the challenges of the past 18 months for many of us is an example of our strength and resilience and I don’t think if anyone told us in March 2020 this would be going on still today, we would have believed them. The stories that have risen from just these COVID shutdowns have been both a blessing and a curse to many but if you are reading this – be encouraged because we have got through – and there is an end in sight. I truly believe we aren’t given anything that we can’t handle and at times that is because of what we have already previously gone through and we have personally grown. It’s through our experiences etc that we can help others going through similar. Therefore I think we just need to be reminded of those strengths. For each of us they will be different but they have shaped us into who we are today.

We may not be where we want to be right now, I certainly know what I’m not doing what I planned however I do think its where I’m meant to be for the moment. And as I say – God isn’t finished with me yet.

So who want to join in?

All the prompts, just like with Unmistakable You, will be online for sale through the website HERE as on Monday 2nd August. Tomorrow I will also update you on the first one. After that each one will be blogged about here and hopefully include a sample from ladies that have been given these page titles in advance. There are no rights and wrongs. There is no time limit involved but I’m hoping to have a few new ones out each month. For now we start with the above 6.

This time around there are no offical page sketches, however like with Part One, an album for each prompt will be created in our private Facebook group where you can post you layouts. If you haven’t already joined this group then you are invited to. I encourage you to post these up normally as well in the group and share a little about your layout too – that way we all get to know each other a little more – this is purely optional of course. There will be random challenges along the way as I always have things to give away.

We will chat further about the first one SHE TRUSTED – tomorrow, however I just want to let you know that there is an optional ( and unfortunatley strictly limited) paper pack on offer with this – this also includes a stencil as sell as the paper etc. This is something that will not be the normal but as I took these to a recent expo to gauge the interest. Some of you may already have one of them.

Looking forward again to Part Two and hope you will join me.

3 thoughts on “Who is SHE?

  1. Amanda says:

    I have just started work from home yet again but it’s more challenging this time round coz I have been in this job for only a month. This is so timely coz I have been thinking that I need to start journalling re my experiences and doing arty, crafty stuff as a form of self-care. I would be VERY interested in subscribing to the kits.

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